Jody and Terry Colson in Chuuk Micronesia


Dear Friends,Hafa adai!  Terry and I arrived in Guam last night.  We are so happy to be here with Matthew and Christina. We were originally scheduled to be back in Chuuk last February, but have been locked out due to COVID.  Our tickets were expiring, so we took a chance and came out here anyway.  Just as we arrived in Guam the FSM announced all future flights into the islands are cancelled indefinitely.  So it looks like we are still shut out.  Matthew has a Zoom interview scheduled with the President of the FSM in a few days and we hope to learn more about how much longer they plan to keep the border closed.The good news is the believers in Chuuk are continuing to serve the Lord faithfully, through Bible Baptist Church in Nantaku and Kilisou Baptist in WIchap.  The radio transmitters are on 24 hours a day, reaching many islands with the Gospel, Bible teaching, Christian music and other helpful programming.  Matthew’s sermons in Chuukese on Facebook are getting hundreds of shares and tens of thousands of views.  It’s obvious that many hearts are open to the Lord.  We are grateful to God for all of you who faithfully pray for us and support us.  The Lord has given us a full schedule even if we can’t get back to Chuuk as soon as we would like.  Our plan now is to go back to America and continue to help in the Chuukese ministry there and visit some of our churches we have not been able to see yet.  (And spend a little more time with our grandchildren!)Please pray for Chuuk and our family as we continue to hope and pray the door will open for us to get back to Chuuk as soon as possible. In Christ,Jody and Terry



From Alisha

Dear Friends,
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter celebrating the resurrection of our Lord! I remember when I finished our first edition of the Chuukese New Testament, how I wanted to see the places I had been studying so much about. And the Lord answered my prayer! I was able to spend 10 glorious days in Israel in February of 2020. I have put together a small video of a few of my pictures with a beautiful song that means so much to me now, “I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked.” If you would like to see it, just click on the picture below and it will begin to play.

I have been working on turning the Chuukese New Testament into an eBook for folks to have on their cellphones. It is so amazing how most people in Chuuk are living in such poverty but have a cellphone! They use their phones for everything, just like Americans do. It would be such a blessing for them to beable to access the Scripture all the time, wherever they are. A lot of people do not have lights in their
houses, so this would be a way they could read their Bible even at night. The process of making an eBook is long and tedious, but I know it will be worth it in the end! I am still in Matthew. I will keep you updated on my progress in the weeks ahead. I would really appreciate your prayers as I work on this project! Thank you so much!

I was about to print the book of Ecclesiastes but found some formatting issues that needed fixing. Self-publishing has its ups and downs! Hopefully I will get everything to rights and we will be printing soon!

I am also working on the book of Ruth. In the end, Lord willing, we will have a booklet of Ruth along with a study book.

From the Farm:
We had eight lambs born over the course of Easter week. One little female lamb was a triplet. She
almost froze to death. Timothy brought her in and warmed her up. She is our little bottle baby now.
She is doing so well. Thank the Lord!

Thank you again for your continued prayers and faithful support. May the Lord bless you!
Love in Christ,
Serving with Central Missionary Clearinghouse